Castlebridge ICA Guild is an organisation for women of all ages. We are a friendly, enthusiastic, social group who welcome new members. We do various crafts, share skills and have interesting talks/demonstrations, outings, competitions etc. for our members. The aim of our Guild is to offer friendship, support and encouragemnet whilst learning new skills in a relaxed social setting. The Guild meets in Castlebridge Community Centre at 7.30pm on the third Monday of each month (except for July and August). We also have a Craft night for our members on the first Monday of each month. During the meetings there is a cup of tea and a chat.

Dancing with Declan
Learn to dance the easy way!Irish Country, Jiving, Ballroom Dancing, 1950’s Rock ‘n’ Roll, Line Dancing and lots more.Declan has classes available in Castlebridge so be sure to get in touch if you are interested